NLP vs NLU vs NLG Know what you are trying to achieve NLP engine Part-1 by Chethan Kumar GN

Natural Language Understanding How To Go Beyond NLP So, when building any program that works on your language data, it’s important to choose the right AI approach. This is in contrast to NLU, which applies grammar rules (among other techniques)…

Revolutionizing the Business Landscape: The Rise of Enterprise Chatbot

Enterprise Chatbots: How To Use Chatbots in the Workplace BMC Software Blogs Botsify is an easy-to-use chatbot platform that allows small-to-medium-sized businesses to create, deploy, and manage AI-powered chatbots for customer support and…

How to Design a Chatbot Personality

7 things you need to know about designing a chatbot by James Butler UX Design If The solution claims accessibility, make sure to test it yourself. Sign up for email newsletters that focus on chatbot technology. The success of your chatbot…

AI 101: How does supervised machine learning work?

What is Machine Learning and How Does It Work? In-Depth Guide Machine learning accelerators are more efficient than ordinary processors. This is why the DLSS upscaling technology we spoke about earlier, for example, is only available on newer…

Real Estate Chatbot Chatbot for Real Estate Agents

Chatbots for Real Estate Industry: Improve customer service By providing prompt, tailored responses, chatbots ensure that clients feel valued, fostering trust and satisfaction. The company’s AI chatbot can modify its responses based on…

Real Estate Chatbot Chatbot for Real Estate Agents

Chatbots for Real Estate Industry: Improve customer service By providing prompt, tailored responses, chatbots ensure that clients feel valued, fostering trust and satisfaction. The company’s AI chatbot can modify its responses based on…

What is a Virtual Call Center Virtual Contact Center, VCC?

What is Customer Support Definition and Example One example of a BPO company that fits the criteria mentioned above is Unity Communications. Outsourcing customer service means getting all the benefits of a highly trained, customer-focused…

The 3 pillars of a successful insurance chatbot

What is Insurance Chatbots? + 5 Use-case, Examples, Tools & Future Onboarding new customers is often a complex journey involving labor-intensive steps. These steps cause delays and additional costs, which can lead to poor customer experience.…

Data Scientist vs AI Engineer Choosing the Right Career

Artificial Intelligence Engineer DataRobot Artificial Intelligence Wiki Artificial Intelligence (AI) has seen rapid growth and implementation in various industries, including healthcare, finance, and technology. Within the AI field, there…

The best AI chatbots for healthcare

Chatbot for Healthcare: Key Use Cases & Benefits Only then will we be able to unlock the power of AI-enabled conversational healthcare. Undoubtedly, the accuracy of these chatbots will increase as well but successful adoption of healthcare…